Helping our Missouri community grow since 1979

Membership Benefits

"Cities are what their citizens make them. The Chamber of Commerce is an important vehicle through which the community’s needs are met."

Your Advocate

The Chamber of Commerce is your voice. We continually communicate with community leaders and local government officials to advocate for business.

Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies

New business? New location? From mass email invites to social media campaigns, we got you covered; and we'll bring the ribbon and scissors!

Your Goodwill Ambassador

Businesses listed in our online directory increase their exposure which boosts their visibility. Consumers contacting the chamber inquiring about services, only get referred to members.

Insurance Discounts

Lower premiums for better benefits! Thanks to MEWA (Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangement) program from the Missouri Chamber Federation.

Networking Opportunities

We have a number of fun events and programs that provide members the opportunity to get to know new people and widen their prospect base.

Your information Source

Staying in the know is easy when you partner with us. We provide facts on business trends, population, taxes, employment practices and state and federal laws. We send you newsletters to save you time and money.

A Badge of Credibility

Display your Chamber plaque with pride! Chamber membership gives your customers assurance that you are an involved member of the business community.

The Voice of Our Community

The Chamber is the focal point of every civic and commercial project in the area. We promote cooperation and communication, allowing business leaders to promote projects that benefit the entire community.

Free Educational Trainings

The Chamber offers different speakers throughout the year that provide valuable content that is needed to stay up to date with the forever changing times.

Join the Chamber of Commerce today. Take your organization to the Next Level!

Contact the Chamber

You can contact us anytime, Monday through Friday, during regular business hours, 9AM to 5PM (Central time). You can also use the contact form below.

Our Address

103 South Oak, Union, Missouri 63084

Email Us

Call Us


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